How Long Will Facet Injections Last?

When it comes to the duration of pain relief that patients may experience due to a facet block, there is no definitive answer. However, when the source of the pain is located, people usually feel immediate relief due to local anesthesia. This effect will wear off after a few hours, and it may take two to seven days before they experience the lasting effects. Generally, the relief from facet injections can range from weeks to two months.Facet joint injections are recommended as often as three times a year and can provide positive results that last for around four months.

This treatment is used in combination with other non-surgical methods for the spine, such as rest, medications, chiropractic manipulations, and physical therapy. Before a facet joint injection, a diagnostic injection called a medial branch block may be administered near a nerve that comes out of the facet joint.Facet joint pain is usually caused by arthritis or joint degeneration and is described as pain that remains along the spine and worsens when sitting, standing, or driving for long periods of time. It can be felt when bending backwards or twisting the back or torso. Facet joints are found at all levels of the spine, from the lower back to the neck.

If facet joints are irritated in the lower back or lumbar region, pain can radiate from the spine to the buttocks, hips, and back of the thigh. If they are irritated in the upper back or cervical region, pain may radiate from the spine to the neck, head and shoulders.To guide the injection to the facet joint, a pain specialist will use fluoroscopic guidance (X-rays) during the injection. The needle is inserted in a fluoroscopy so that they can see the spine and needle as it moves toward the facet joint or space near the nerve branch. Contact National Spine & Pain Centers today to schedule an appointment with a pain specialist for treatment with facet joint injections.

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