Are Facet Joint Injections Right for You?

Are you considering a facet joint injection to help relieve your chronic back or neck pain? Facet joint injections are a treatment option that can help reduce inflammation and pain in the small joints at the back of the spine. In this article, we'll discuss what to expect during the procedure, how it works, and when it may be recommended. First, the area around the injection site is numbed with a local anesthetic. Most patients only feel pressure when the doctor inserts a very fine needle into the facet joint.

You may choose to receive intravenous sedation to make the procedure more tolerable. Because most patients undergo light sedation, you'll need to arrange a trip back home. It is recommended that you rest during the day and resume your work one day after the injection.

Facet joint injections

are a treatment for chronic pain in the back or neck.

The injection is given into facet joints, which are the joints that connect the vertebrae of the spinal column. The injections can be done with or without steroids, which are anti-inflammatory medications that can help reduce pain and swelling. Facet joint injections can also be done with local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the injection site, or with light sedation that helps you feel more relaxed during the procedure. Guided by real-time X-ray images or computed tomography, the doctor will insert the needle through the skin and into the facet joint being treated.

The injection contains an anti-inflammatory steroid used to help relieve inflammation and pain.In a facet joint block, a contrast dye is first injected into the site to confirm the correct placement of the needle before injecting the anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication into the facet joint. If the facet joint block is effective in relieving pain, the procedure may be repeated up to three times a year.Patients who are asked to undergo facet injections tend to suffer from back pain that glows through the lumbar or cervical regions. If the injection does not relieve pain, it may be because the injection did not reach the source of the pain or because the pain is not caused by facet joints.Facet joint injections are usually done on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day. It is recommended that you rest during the day and resume your work one day after the injection.If you're considering a facet joint injection to help relieve your chronic back or neck pain, talk to your doctor about whether this treatment option is right for you.

Your doctor will be able to discuss any potential risks and benefits associated with this procedure.

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